Roma, Italia- 21-22 Febbbraio 2017
Il Forum va oltre la tradizionale conferenza e vuole avere un reale impatto sulle politiche, pratiche e programmi in tema di migrazione.
Due gioni di lavoro con diverse sessioni per andare nella profondità dei temi e identificare le migliori pratiche europee e americane.
Day 1: February 21
Audience with Pope Francis — Aula Clementina
8.30 - 9.50 Accreditation ((at 9:50 am the gates will be closed)
10:30-10:34 Introduction and Opening Remarks
H.E. Silvano Tomasi cs, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
10:30-11:45 Testimony of Migrants and Refugees
Testimony of Migrant Family with Children Escaping from Eritrea
Testimony of Peruvian Migrant in Santiago of Chile
Testimony of Italian-Portuguese Family in Toronto, Canada
Intervention of Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
10:43 -11:30 His Holiness Pope Francis
11:30 -11:45 Blessing and Group Picture
11:45 - 13:00
Light lunch in the Vatican and Transfer to the Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari – Camera dei Deputati
Handling the Current Migration Crisis
12:30-13:30 Accreditation - Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari, via di Campo Marzio 78
13:30 - 14:30 Welcoming and Opening Remarks
14:30- 15:30 Migration Crisis: The Situation
15:30- 17:00 Promoting Better Integration Programs as a Common Responsibility: The Role of Governments, International Organizations, civil society and the Catholic Church
17:00 - 18:00 Concrete Solutions: “Decentralized Integration”: An Example for a Better Integration Practice in Europe?
18:00 - 18:45 Concrete Solutions: Resettlement policies and humanitarian corridors. Lessons learned and next steps
Day 2: February 22
Migration and Development: Fostering Innovative Partnerships
8:30 - 9:00 Accreditation - Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari, via di Campo Marzio 78
9:00 - 10:00 Welcoming and Opening Remarks
10:00 - 11:30 Opening Session - Migration and Development: Building a Better Common Future
11:30 -12:30 Positive Impact of Migrants on Development: The Analysis
• Ms. Rosario Marin, Former Treasurer of the United States of America
• Ms. Dagmar Schineanu, Senior Economist, Former Adviser for Italian Development Cooperation on Migration & Development
• Mr. Francesco Petrelli, Spokesperson, Concord Italia
Moderator: Mr. Kevin Appleby, Director of International Policies, Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) and Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN)
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:15 Positive Impact of Migrants on Development: Innovative Private-Public Practices and Lessons Learned for the Future
• Ms. Aranza Laskurain, Secretary General of Mondragon Corporation
• Mr. Emilio Ciarlo, Head of External Relation, Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
• Mr. Gibril Faal, Director of GK Partners and the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD)
• Mr. Mauro Martini, Migration, Remittances and Development Of cer at the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
• Mr. Bekele Moges, National Director of Caritas Ethiopia, Caritas Africa delegate within the SECAM WG on Migration and the CI WG on Migration
• Ms. Nicoletta Dentico, Member of the Board, Banca Popolare Etica
Moderator: Ms. Marta Guglielmetti, Global Advisor, SIMN
16:25- 16:45 Presentation of the report “Towards sustainable migration”
16:45 - 18:00 Call for Action: Hand Over of Three Best Practices and Recommendations to Fostering Innovative Partnerships on Migration
Hand-over and closing remarks
18:00 - 18:30 Closing Remarks
Roma, Italia- 21-22 Febbbraio 2017
Il Forum va oltre la tradizionale conferenza e vuole avere un reale impatto sulle politiche, pratiche e programmi in tema di migrazione.
Due gioni di lavoro con diverse sessioni per andare nella profondità dei temi e identificare le migliori pratiche europee e americane.
Day 1: February 21
Audience with Pope Francis — Aula Clementina
8.30 - 9.50 Accreditation ((at 9:50 am the gates will be closed)
10:30-10:34 Introduction and Opening Remarks
H.E. Silvano Tomasi cs, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
10:30-11:45 Testimony of Migrants and Refugees
Testimony of Migrant Family with Children Escaping from Eritrea
Testimony of Peruvian Migrant in Santiago of Chile
Testimony of Italian-Portuguese Family in Toronto, Canada
Intervention of Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
10:43 -11:30 His Holiness Pope Francis
11:30 -11:45 Blessing and Group Picture
11:45 - 13:00
Light lunch in the Vatican and Transfer to the Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari – Camera dei Deputati
Handling the Current Migration Crisis
12:30-13:30 Accreditation - Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari, via di Campo Marzio 78
13:30 - 14:30 Welcoming and Opening Remarks
- H.E. Silvano Tomasi cs, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
- Mr. Mario Giro, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development of Italy
- Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
- Fr. Sandro Gazzola cs, General Superior of the Missionaries of Saint Charles Borromeo, Scalabrinians
14:30- 15:30 Migration Crisis: The Situation
- Mr. Alexander Betts, Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs and Director of the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford: Global Refugee Situation
- Mr. Kevin Appleby, Director of International Policies, Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) and Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN)
- Ms. Paola Barretta, Senior Researcher for the Osservatorio di Pavia
15:30- 17:00 Promoting Better Integration Programs as a Common Responsibility: The Role of Governments, International Organizations, civil society and the Catholic Church
- Mr. Domenico Manzione, State Secretary, Ministry of the Interior of Italy
- Mr. Hans-Georg Engelke, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior of Germany
- Ms. Sarita Bhatla, Director General for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship of Canada
- Ms Manuela Tomei, Director of the Working Conditions and Equality Department, International Labour Organisation
- Mr. Luigi Maria Vignali, Principal Director for Migration Policies, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- H. E. Silvano Tomasi cs, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
17:00 - 18:00 Concrete Solutions: “Decentralized Integration”: An Example for a Better Integration Practice in Europe?
- Mr. Benedict Goebel, Coordinator for Integration policies, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
- Mr. Oliviero Forti, Director of the Immigration Division, Caritas Italy
- Emanuele Selleri, Executive Director Casa Scalabrini 634
- Mr. Matteo Biffoni, Mayor of Prato and ANCI delegate for Migration Policies
- Fr. Mussie Zerai, Co-founder of The Agency for Cooperation and Development (AHCS)
18:00 - 18:45 Concrete Solutions: Resettlement policies and humanitarian corridors. Lessons learned and next steps
- Ms. Daniela Pompei, Responsible for the service to the immigrants of Community of Sant ́Egidio
- Mr. Paulo Sergio de Almeida, Director of the National Council of Immigration of Brazil
- Fr. Florenzo Rigoni cs, Director of Scalabrinian Casa del Migrante Network
Day 2: February 22
Migration and Development: Fostering Innovative Partnerships
8:30 - 9:00 Accreditation - Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari, via di Campo Marzio 78
9:00 - 10:00 Welcoming and Opening Remarks
- H.E . Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See: Migrations in an Inclusive Economy
- Hon. Thomas Silberhorn, MP, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany
10:00 - 11:30 Opening Session - Migration and Development: Building a Better Common Future
- Amb. Pietro Sebastiani, Director Generale DGCS, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
- Ms. Laura Frigenti, Director, Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation
- Hon. Lia Quartapelle, MP and Coordinator for the All-party parliamentary group for International Cooperation
- Amb. Jan Tombinski, Head of the EU Delegation to the Holy See, order of Malta and the UN in Rome
- Stefano Signore, Head of Unit Migration, Employment, Inequalities, DEVCO
11:30 -12:30 Positive Impact of Migrants on Development: The Analysis
• Ms. Rosario Marin, Former Treasurer of the United States of America
• Ms. Dagmar Schineanu, Senior Economist, Former Adviser for Italian Development Cooperation on Migration & Development
• Mr. Francesco Petrelli, Spokesperson, Concord Italia
Moderator: Mr. Kevin Appleby, Director of International Policies, Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) and Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN)
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:15 Positive Impact of Migrants on Development: Innovative Private-Public Practices and Lessons Learned for the Future
• Ms. Aranza Laskurain, Secretary General of Mondragon Corporation
• Mr. Emilio Ciarlo, Head of External Relation, Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
• Mr. Gibril Faal, Director of GK Partners and the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD)
• Mr. Mauro Martini, Migration, Remittances and Development Of cer at the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
• Mr. Bekele Moges, National Director of Caritas Ethiopia, Caritas Africa delegate within the SECAM WG on Migration and the CI WG on Migration
• Ms. Nicoletta Dentico, Member of the Board, Banca Popolare Etica
Moderator: Ms. Marta Guglielmetti, Global Advisor, SIMN
16:25- 16:45 Presentation of the report “Towards sustainable migration”
- Ms. Marta Guglielmetti, Global Advisor, SIMN
- Ms. Laura Frigenti, Director of the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation - Role of Cooperation for Development on Migration Policies
16:45 - 18:00 Call for Action: Hand Over of Three Best Practices and Recommendations to Fostering Innovative Partnerships on Migration
- Fr. Leonir Chiarello cs, Executive Director of SIMN—Short presentation and hand over of three best practices
- A better “Decentralized Integration” practice for Europe
- Development Initiatives to support remittances investments, entrepreneurship and job creation in countries of origin
Hand-over and closing remarks
- Hon. Thomas Silberhorn, MP, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany
- Ms. Sarita Bhatla, Director General, Refugees Affairs, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
- Mr. Stefano Signore, Head of Unit Migration, Employment, Inequalities, DEVCO
- Mr. Luigi Maria Vignali, Principal Director for Migration Policies, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
18:00 - 18:30 Closing Remarks
- H. E. Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development